Brazil Time is a podcast blog which discusses timely issues from Brazil.
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In the late 1920s, automotive pioneer Henry Ford launched an audacious venture deep in the Brazilian Amazon, driven by his desire to secure a stable rubber supply for his burgeoning automobile empire. This ambitious project, known as Fordlandia, represented both an economic endeavor and a bold social experiment to recreate an idealized American society in the heart of the rainforest.
Read more..."There is nothing that unites Panamanians more than the defense of the canal" - Sabrina Bacal
Read more..."This could become a new Lava Jato" - Anonymous Federal Prosecutor
Read more...From colonial subjugation to modern empowerment, Brazil's indigenous peoples have transformed their identity while fighting for recognition, land rights, and cultural autonomy.
Read more..."A bridge doesn't collapse from one day to the next." - Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado
Read more..."When it comes to poverty-alleviation policies, the devil hides in the implementation details" - Luciana de Souza Leão, University of Michigan Professor
Read more..."The evidence points to strong indications and substantial evidence that the investigated Walter Souza Braga Netto contributed, to a more effective degree and of high importance than previously known, to the planning and financing of a coup d'état" - Federal Police Report
Read more..."The regulation of AI is not urgent, as some want to point out. What's urgent is the protection of citizens' rights." - Senator Eduardo Gomes
Read more..."If we don't have a war now with Brazil, we shall have one at a less convenient time for ourselves" - Francisco Solano López, during his deliberation before starting hostilities
Read more..."If an amnesty today is unacceptable, the amnesty of yesterday should be equally unacceptable" - Coalition of families of victims of dictatorship