Brazil's Human-Centric Approach to AI Regulation: A Global Pioneer

"The regulation of AI is not urgent, as some want to point out. What's urgent is the protection of citizens' rights." - Senator Eduardo Gomes
Woman with a computer in hands with projection of the deep human brain behind her.
Can Brazil humanize artificial intelligence?
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Brazil's pioneering AI regulation, Bill No. 2,338/2023, distinguishes itself globally through its unprecedented emphasis on human rights and social justice. Unlike the EU's technical standards-focused approach or China's algorithmic transparency requirements, Brazil positions human dignity and fundamental rights at the core of its AI governance framework.

The legislation introduces groundbreaking provisions for mandatory human rights impact assessments for high-risk AI systems, reflecting Brazil's constitutional emphasis on human dignity. This approach requires developers to evaluate potential discriminatory impacts and social consequences before deployment, particularly focusing on Brazil's diverse ethnic and socioeconomic populations. The bill's unique framework prioritizes protecting vulnerable communities and preserving cultural diversity, setting it apart from other global regulatory efforts.

human rights, artificial intelligence, AI ethics, social inclusion, regulatory innovation, digital democracy
ANPD, Federal Senate, Marina Silva, Paulo Freire Institute, Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection
Brasília, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,

Data Privacy Brasil. (2024)
The Human Rights Approach to AI Regulation in Brazil.Fundação Getúlio Vargas. (2024)
Comparative Analysis of Global AI Regulations.Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade. (2024)
Brazil's Pioneer Role in Human-Centric AI Governance.Center for AI and Digital Policy. (2024)
Global Survey of AI Policy Frameworks. (2024)
